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EMS Bill is introduced
The EMS Bill for the 2010 session has been introduced. The numbers are HB346 and SB272.
I feel we have addressed the concerns of all the groups we have been working with this year. Many individuals and providers expressed their desire to send a support letter for this bill. Now is the time to send a letter or contact your state representative concerning this bill. I would ask that you send a copy of any support letters to my office.
If we do not get the passed this year, it will be a minimum of two years before we could begin testing the new Advance-EMT level. The success of getting the new level and bringing 1970s EMS language to that of 2010 is now up to each of the EMS community members.
The EMS Bill could go to committee next week. Currently, it is the only bill listed for the Health Committee next week.
Here is a list of committee members. I would suggest that you send letters of support to the members or make personal contact with them and request that they give the bill a favorable report out of committee. Please remember to please send me a cc of any support letter.
Linda Coleman, Chairperson; Tom Butler, Deputy Chairperson; Larry Means, Vice Chairperson; Roger Bedford, Larry Dixon, Priscilla Dunn, Steve French, Hinton Mitchem, Myron Penn, Quinton Ross, Harri Anne Smith; Zeb Little, Majority Leader, J.T. (Jabo) Waggoner, Minority Leader.
Mike Millican, Chair; Locy Baker, Vice Chair; Ron Johnson, Ranking Minority Member; Jim Barton, Billy Beasley, Steve Clouse, Blaine Galliher, James Gordon, Ron Grantland, Thomas Jackson, Richard Laird, Jim McClendon, William Thigpen, Allen Treadaway, Pebblin Warren
Dennis Blair
State EMS Director
Alabama Department of Public Health
RSA Tower, Suite 750
P.O. Box 303017 (Zip) 36130-3017
201 Monroe Street (Zip) 36104
Montgomery, Alabama
Tel: (334) 206-5383
Fax: (334) 206-5260