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OEMS&T Newsletter
The Office of EMS and Trauma Newsletter Volume XI Issue I is now available on our website. If the link does not work, please go to There is a link to the EMS Newsletter page on the home page as well as on the Notices and Events page.
Also on the Notices and Events page, under Training Opportunities, you will find information on an upcoming Rural Health Conference. It will be March 24-25 at The Legends at Capitol Hill in Prattville. Registration is available online with an early registration deadline of Feb 24 and a regular registration deadline of March 22. Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information.
Thank you,
Katherin Dixon Hert
EMSC Grant Manager
Financila and Special Program Manager
Office of EMS and Trauma
334-206-7063 (phone)
334-206-5260 (fax)
334-206-5383 (main line)