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ADPH Info: Requests for N95 respirators
The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) is now accepting requests for N95 respirators from healthcare providers who provide direct patient care to those who have confirmed, suspected, or probable influenza. This is a one-time offer of a limited amount of N95 respirators. Please visit the ADPH website at and click on 'Emergency Preparedness' in the blue navigation area on the left side of the home page and then click N95 respirators in the navigation area or click the link below. Here you can review information on the process required to request a limited number of the supply for your facility. There is no charge for the N95 respirators. After visiting the website, if you still have questions, call 334-206-3394 or 1-866-264-4073.
Alice B. Floyd, RN, BSN
Nurse Supervisor
Center For Emergency Preparedness
334-206-3898 phone
334-206-3832 fax
1*635*1781 SL
334-850-1683 SL (cell)
Please note my email address has changed to
Dennis Blair
State EMS Director
Alabama Department of Public Health
RSA Tower, Suite 750
P.O. Box 303017 (Zip) 36130-3017
201 Monroe Street (Zip) 36104
Montgomery, Alabama
Tel: (334) 206-5383
Fax: (334) 206-5260